
The Challanges of Planning

Do you have a lot of inputs into your world? The ubiquity of being online, smartphones, notifications, email. How do you face up to and organize these inputs on a daily basis? 

Where do you store your todos, and what methods do your use to orrganize all your stuff? We provide guidance into how, using the Getting Things Done method (GTD) as our baseline method.

Learn more

Training and workshops 

We offer training courses and workshops in the use of planning tools such as Trello, Todoist, and Ayoa to power your efforts to plan projects and organize your business actions.


Download one of our guides to planning software tools and methods.

Courses and Events 

We offer several courses and organize group events to discuss your planning challenges.

We also offer individual sessions for those who want to look into the specifics of their environment, in one-to-one consulting sessions.